The passes

The passes are openings in the coral reef, the main points of exchange between the lagoon and the ocean. They are the place of passage of many species when others have settled there.
It is usually in the passes that life is concentrated. You can find all sorts of species here: jacks, barracudas, tuna, bonito, sharks. It is also here that you have the best chance of finding large schools of fish.
The Totoro pass
Relief: A huge drop-off rises from the abyssal depths to -40m. It is at this depth that the plateau begins, which rises gently towards the lagoon to the foot of a step from -25m to -15m.
Wildlife: Barracudas, turtles, sleeper sharks, coral sharks, jacks of various species, schools of milkfish, starry puffers, perches, all reef fish. Unexpected encounters.
Depth: from -10 to -50m
Accessible from level 1
Relief: This dive takes place on the side of a pass. The drop-off has collapsed, forming a maze of corridors, cavities, and passages under rock between -6 and -20m. The relief is superb.
You can leave the scree to descend deeper by venturing slightly into the middle of the pass. There you will find large rock blocks around which the fauna takes refuge.
Wildlife: Lots of green and hawksbill turtles, sleeper shark, coral shark, yellow gorgonians at -30m, school of bigeye trevally, school of perch and school of salema.
Depth: from -6 to -40m
Accessible from level 1.
Floc pass
Relief: This pass is not very wide, divers cross it easily. You can wait for passing wildlife when you are in the middle.
The ocean side walk is located at -50m and opens onto a plateau which goes back to -30m.
On the lagoon side, a huge hole descends to depths never before explored.
The bottom of the pass is covered with holes and crevices from which hundreds of perch emerge and hide.
After exploring the bottom, the dive continues along the drop-off on the left side of the pass that takes us back into the lagoon. Faults follow one another, a passage under rock is crossed before arriving in a shallow coral garden to end the dive.
Wildlife: Turtles, batfish, sleeper sharks, coral or blacktip sharks, jacks, schools of blue-striped perch, schools of fusiliers, mackerel jacks, all reef fish
Depth: from -5 to -50m
Accessible from level 1 for the angles and PE40 for the pass
The mama pass
Relief: The dive begins on the ocean side at the corner of this pass before following the small drop-off (from -5 to -30m) which enters the lagoon. It ends in a few meters of water on the shallows which separate it from the floc pass.
During the dive you can also venture towards the middle of the pass to venture onto a bottom of -30m pierced with holes and crevices where a variety of fauna hides.
Wildlife: The dive is often very fishy, the quantity of black triggerfish and blue triggerfish is just mind-blowing. This feeling of "fish soup" is even exaggerated when the other species mix with the triggerfish.
Napoleon, coral shark, nurse shark, all reef fish.
Depth: from -5 to -30m
Accessible from level 1
The 2 secs
Relief: In the middle of a pass we dive on two rocks which take shape at -50m and rise vertically to -6m. The relief is superb.
On top, a magnificent coral garden thrives from -15m.
Wildlife: The ocean side of the 2 secs is covered with yellow gorgonians from -30m.
Tuna, school of fusiliers, school of black triggerfish, sleeper shark, all reef fish.
Depth: from -5 to -50m
Accessible from level 1
Pueu's pass
Relief: This pass is a very clear break about sixty meters long in the reef.
On the ocean side, a plateau rises from the depths to -35m where a ridge forms which immediately descends on the lagoon side to more than 60m. Divers follow the top of the ridge at -30m going from one corner of the pass to the other.
Wildlife: Turtles, coral sharks, sleeper sharks (on the crest), tuna, schools of triggerfish, perch, all reef fish.
Depth: from -5 to -35m
Accessible from level 1 for the angles and PE40 for the pass
The Hitiaa pass
Relief: The step of this pass is at -30m it is formed at the top of a vertical and dizzying drop. In the middle of the step stands a dry which goes back to -10m around which life is concentrated.
Wildlife: School of black-spotted perch, school of grey and coppery salema, Napoleon wrasse, tuna, coral shark, anthias, reef fish. Unexpected encounters.
Depth: from -10 to -50m
Accessible from level 1 (following the flow)
The 12m pass
Relief: A superb drop-off rises from the depths of the ocean to a step at -35m. During the dive we follow this step starting from the right corner to reach the left corner.
On the slope there are many crevices where a variety of fauna hides.
Wildlife: Turtles, sleeping sharks, tuna, schools of triggerfish, mackerel jacks in the blue. Unexpected encounters.
Lobster to be found in the crevices
Depth: from -35m to -50m
Accessible from PE40 level, however crossing the pass takes a certain amount of time, we reserve it for experienced divers.
Tautira's pass
Relief: This pass with vertical walls covered with yellow gorgonians is home to a wide variety of fauna. Whether the current is in or out, the pass is passable and allows divers to let themselves be carried along effortlessly.
Outside, large scree has formed. At the end of the dive, we wander through this maze of rocks where fish like to hide.
Wildlife: School of perch, Napoleon fish, tuna, coral shark, grey shark, sleeper shark, reef fish. Unexpected encounters.
Depth: from -6 to -40m
Accessible from level 1. This pass is more than 30 minutes of navigation.